Business Texting

Regulatory Compliance 

All SMS and MMS messages sent to U.S. phone numbers using 10DLC phone numbers must be sent via a registered application-to-person (A2P) Campaign. The following form collects the information required to allow your business to text other people.

  • Please provide your EIN, or a mobile number in the case of sole proprietorships.
  • The business number you want sending out your texts.
  • Please describe the type of communication you will be sending to your customers (e.g. responding to requests, marketing, account notifications). Be as descriptive as possible.
    122 of 320 max characters
  • Please provide an example of a message you would send to a customer.
    73 of 320 max characters
  • Please provide another example of a message you would send to a customer.
    46 of 320 max characters
  • Are you providing website URL links in your text messages?
  • Are you providing any phone numbers for your customers to call?
  • Enter your message or use the suggested.
  • Enter your message or use the suggested.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.