Business Texting Regulatory Compliance All SMS and MMS messages sent to U.S. phone numbers using 10DLC phone numbers must be sent via a registered application-to-person (A2P) Campaign. The following form collects the information required to allow your business to text other people. Legal Company Name*EIN or Cell Phone Number*Please provide your EIN, or a mobile number in the case of sole proprietorships.Your Email* Texting Phone Number*The business number you want sending out your texts.Texting Use Case*Please describe the type of communication you will be sending to your customers (e.g. responding to requests, marketing, account notifications). Be as descriptive as possible.Initiating the text message exchange in which the Message Sender replies to the Consumer only with responsive information.122 of 320 max charactersSample Message 1*Please provide an example of a message you would send to a customer.Thank you for your message! We will respond by phone as soon as possible.73 of 320 max charactersSample Message 2*Please provide another example of a message you would send to a customer.Please visit our website for more information!46 of 320 max charactersLinks*Are you providing website URL links in your text messages? No Yes Phone Numbers*Are you providing any phone numbers for your customers to call? No Yes Opt-Out MessageEnter your message or use the suggested.Help MessageEnter your message or use the suggested.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.